The Children's Center | Kearns, Utah
This was a project of the office of Burtch W. Beall, Architect. Greg Upwall was project manager. The Children's Center, a non-profit treating children with behavior problems and victims of abuse, was in need of new counseling offices and a parent education center. Posing a greater challenge however was their need for a facility which could bring their entire staff together in an atmosphere of optimism to compliment their mission - and it had to be accomplished on a modest budget. We came up with the design that placed new offices in a low wing along the front of the building oriented radially to the lobby space with a sunken play area for children. Overhead the lobby is linked by a "light spine" that brings in natural daylight from skylights and clerestory windows. The spine also screens the old building from the street view and acts as a point of convergence between old and new - between despair and hope. To the rear of the building the old play area was retrofitted into a sunny and healthy playground for the children. At present the facility has been embraced by the staff and serves as an inspirational setting in which their good efforts are facilitated.
sustainable measures: -natural day-lighting, natural ventilation